Ukulele Lessons

What: Beginner and intermediate ukulele lessons led by Halle Kerr
Who: Any area homeschooler ages 7 to 18
When: The fall meeting dates will be each Monday from Sept. 9th through Nov. 4th. If there are enough students for two separate class times, they will be from 6:30-7:15 and 7:15-8:00. If students can be slated into one class time, it will be from 6:30-7:30. Once registration closes, we will be able to inform families of the exact times.
Where: Classes will meet at First United Methodist Church's Multi-Ministry Building at 401 W. Main St. in Richmond.
Cost: $90 for members of Wellspring's co-op program, to be paid by cash or check made out to Halle on the first day class meets.
$130 for area homeschoolers (Admin fee included). A $40 deposit shall be paid online through registration for families not currently participating in a Wellspring program.
There are no refunds after registration is submitted.
Students will also need a soprano ukulele and tuner. If you have questions about which types/brands to purchase, please feel free to email Halle at: admin@wellspringhomeschool.com
More details...
Volunteer duty: A parent/guardian will need to remain on site during the lesson and will be scheduled for classroom helper duties on one or more of the days classes meet, depending upon the number of registered students.
Siblings not in class: It is preferred that siblings who are not in class do not come, if possible. A few other groups also meet during the time music lessons meet and we wish to limit noise and disturbances.
If siblings not in class come on a parent's non-volunteer day, they will have to be fully supervised at all times.
On a parent/guardian's scheduled volunteer day, we ask that siblings not in class do not come along.
Communication: The group's main method of communication will be through the Band app. Parents/guardians will receive an invitation to join the group shortly after registration.
Have more questions? Feel free to contact Halle at: admin@wellspringhomeschool.com