WAC Registration Information
Registration dates for 2020-2021:
May 8--Returning families' ONLY registration begins
May 18--Open/discounted registration
June 16 - Last day for early registration
June 17--Late registration begins
July 17-Class confirmations distributed
Before you register...
Non-refundable Registration and Facility Fees:
WAC Registration fee* per student per year:
Early registration fee - $30 - 1st student/$25 addl student(s)
Late fee (after June 2) - $35 - 1st student/$30 addl student(s)
Facility Fee*
An $80 per family yearly facility fee* is collected at the time of registration. This fee is given to our host facility for the use of its building. Students taking only a science lab need not pay the facility fee.
*If your family also participates in Wellspring's weekly co-op classes, you will only be required to pay this facility fee once.
WAC Tuition and Supply Fees:
All tuition and supply fees are payable directly to each of your student's instructors at the MANDATORY WAC ORIENTATION. By selecting these classes, you are committing to the full academic year and are contractually obligated to pay the entire year’s tuition, even if you leave the program mid-year.
Tuition for 1 ½ hr middle school classes (1 1/2 hr class/wk per student) for 32 weeks
$ 300/ year + supply fee** (varies)
Tuition for 1 ½ hr high school classes (1 1/2 hr class/wk per student ) for 34 weeks
$ 325/ year + supply fee** (varies)
$375/year for HS Chemistry ONLY + supply fee**(varies)
Tuition for Biology or Chemistry Science Lab
$150 for 10 lab sessions​
Tuition for HS Credit Electives (1 hr class/wk per student for 16-week class)
$145/16 week class + supply fee **(varies)
$290/32 week class + supply fee **(varies)
Tuition for Chemistry and Biology labs (when offered) will be paid in full at the MANDATORY WAC ORIENTATION. The amount includes all supplies and lab fees.
**Supply Fee: Some classes require an extra supply fee to compensate the instructor for lab materials, printing costs, and other supplies. These fees are listed in each class description. The class supply fees are due in full for the year at the WAC ORIENTATION.
There are no scholarships or multi-student discounts at this time.
Please read carefully:
Wellspring Academic Center offers homeschooled middle and high school-aged students high-quality core classes following a college-style model. Our students meet with qualified instructors once a week in a classroom setting to receive direct instruction, while continuing their studies independently throughout the rest of the week. Most students will require generous support and guidance from parents as they navigate their coursework and communicate with instructors throughout the week. Wellspring Academic Center does not offer a replacement for parental involvement in a student’s education. It is designed to enhance the middle and high school educational caliber for families wishing to steer their student’s education outside of traditional schooling methods.
For those students who struggle to stay self-motivated, exhibit positive classroom behavior, or meet study regimen and deadline requirements from instructors, Wellspring Academic Center will not be a comfortable fit. For the population of students and families it was organized to serve, however, it is an excellent option, offering flexibility and a solid academic foundation.
Students participating in WAC and their parents must read and agree to the terms contained in the following documents. Please follow the links below and read these documents carefully before proceeding to online registration.
(Proceed to "Register Now" button below)
A late fee may be assessed on program fees, tuition, and supply fees that are not paid by the stated due dates.
Monies collected for registration, supplies, and copies are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Payment Information
Tuition and supply fees are paid directly to WAC instructors. Families must make payment in full at the Mandatory WAC Orientation in early August (or prior).
You will be notified by approximately mid-July the finalized class schedule and if any classes are canceled due to insufficient enrollment.
Registration is not complete until your online payment is made. Registration forms are not saved until your payment has been processed through PayPal. If you have any questions about online payments, please contact admin@wellspringhomeschool.com