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Who-Done-It? Murder Mystery Dinner Event

Upon finding Carol St. Nicholas (Santa's head elf) frozen solid by a freeze ray, her 1000th birthday party has turned from a festive celebration to a who-done-it that must be solved!  


Please join us for appetizers, dinner, dessert, festive games, and a mystery that will leave all of those at the North Pole unable to rest until the dastardly freeze ray bandit is discovered.  Come have fun with friends and help us unravel the mystery of who murdered Carol St. Nicholas!


Who: Wellspring Co-op students 10 and up


What: An evening of fun sleuthing, with a dinner intermission and fun minute-to-win-it games thrown in for good measure.  Information about your assigned character will be sent to you after you join the event's Band page upon registering.  Prizes will be awarded for best costumes, top detectives, mini-game winners, and more!


When: Monday, Nov. 21st from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m.


Cost: $12 per attendee


Spaces are very limited, so if you are interested, please register right away.


**Sign-ups are now closed for this event.  Be sure to check in regularly for more exciting offerings for middle- and high-schoolers!**

Click the magnifying glass below to register!

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